As you all know, I have recently moved to the other side of the world.
I thought I would take some time to show you just how tip top Engish living is.
This is the facade of my new London home. Now, it does look abit like one of those houses that you would cross to the other side of the street to avoid walking by it, but it's not that bad!
The top two windows span my whole room! I am sharing with another girl, so this is my side of the room, in both clean and messy.
This first photo is from the first day I moved in, when everything had it's own place and I had just bought all my new bedding.

This second photo was taken today, after I had spent most of the day tucked up in my blankey watching episode after episode of Heartland.
I scored a new chest of drawers as well to go with my broken set. The most exciting thing was getting so much more surface space for all my crap!
This next photo is of the main bathroom. i'm sure Dad would be pretty impressed with the tiling job in the corner there! :-)

Our wonderful lounge room. We have an armchair, a 2 seater leather couch and two fold out couches - Phil this will be where you're staying!
Luckily, that thing on the wall is part of the central heating. It gets pretty warm, especially with nine people living in the house.
Our kitchen has everything a kitchen needs, as well as houses our washer and tumble dryer.
The oven is a bit hard to work, as it is gas and doesn't have the temperature gauge, but goes from 1 - 9 in heating.
It's pretty much just a guess on what heat you need the oven and just pray that nothing burns!
One of the newest things that we have discovered is that where our tumble dryer is, it looks like it used to be a bit of a shower. Which we thought was a bit weird, because if the kitchen had been built on after the house was built, you would have to exit the home and then walk around to the 'shower' room.
This is a photo of the new discovery, complete with soap dish!
So that's pretty much my new London home. Besides the backyard. Which, at the moment, looks a bit like a jungle. We even saw a fox out there the other day! Nobody goes out there, I think we might be too scared we're going to step in some month-old vomit or something.